
Mountain Biking

The wautoma mountain bike team IS open to student athletes entering 6th through 12th ​grade. The season runs from July to October with practices on Tuesday and Thursday ​evenings. The league also hosts five optional festival weekends in September and October ​which include racing and much more. Click the links below for more information about ​NICA and the Wisconsin League.

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Thank you to our ​sponsors for their ​generous support!

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where are practices?

  • Most practices will be at the Nordic Mountain trail system. ​We may occasionally schedule a practice at another local ​trail system like Hartman Creek or Standing Rocks.
  • Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting ​July 9th from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Starting in September ​when we start to lose daylight, practice times will be ​moved up to 5:30 and eventually 5:00pm.
  • Families are responsible for transporting their student ​athletes to and from practices.

Who can participate?

  • Wautoma students entering 6th through 12th grade for ​the race season are eligible to participate.
  • We also have the potential to add a composite team and ​allow participation of students from other area districts. ​Please email for more information about this.

Why mountain biking and NICA?

  • Life-Long Fitness and Community: Mountain biking is a ​sport you can do for most of your life, whether you like to ​race or just ride for fun. Anywhere you find trails you’ll also ​find a welcoming community of off-road cyclists.
  • Inclusivity: NICA is open to all genders and ability levels, no ​one rides the bench!
  • Challenge By Choice: We have racing and a high level of ​competition for those who want it, but racing is optional. ​30-40% of student athletes who participate in NICA never ​choose to race and we have lots of other great ​programming for kids who just want to ride and have fun.

Is mountain biking a school or club sport?

  • We are a school affiliated team in the Wisconsin ​Interscholastic Cycling League, NICA and the Wisconsin ​League are not part of the WIAA. We are also organized as ​a school club for fundraising, promotion, and off season ​activities.

What kind of bike do you need?

  • Having the right bike is important for student athlete safety ​and success. An appropriate mountain bike will be ​designed for off-road use*, in good mechanical condition, ​and fit the rider. Some things to look for are: hydraulic disc ​brakes, 1X drivetrain (only one front chainring), 29" wheels, ​and 2.25" or wider tires.
  • * Not all bikes that look like mountain bikes are designed for ​off-road use. If you aren’t sure about a bike you have, or ​what to purchase, please contact us so that we can look at ​your bike or help you find an appropriate bike.
  • The Wisconsin League has a rental bike program you can ​find out more about by clicking here.
  • Trek and Specialized both offer a 25% discount on new ​bikes for NICA student athletes and coaches.

What is the cost to participate?

  • The registration cost for student athletes in 2024 is $125
  • Participation in festival weekends (which races are part of) ​is $75 per weekend or $300 for the “Season Pass” ​including all five weekends + the adventure weekend at ​Nordic. The discounted “Season Pass” must be purchased ​before the first weekend in September.
  • If fees are a barrier to participation, please click here to ​learn more about the scholarship program. The Wisconsin ​Interscholastic Cycling League is committed to making our ​league accessible to everyone to the best of our ability, ​regardless of their financial situation.

What do I need besides a bike?

  • Student athletes need a helmet, appropriate closed-toed ​shoes, and comfortable athletic clothes to ride in.
  • Student athletes also need a water bottle and cage or ​hydration backpack to carry water.
  • Bike specific clothes and shoes are nice, but not ​necessary. Cycling gloves and eye protection (clear ​cycling glasses or safety glasses) are highly recommended.
  • Team jerseys are required only if racing. Jersey orders ​will be made during the preseason and the cost is ​$55-$65.

Can adults ride too?

  • Yes! Adults can sign up as a “Level 1 Coach” and ride ​along with the team.
  • No off-road cycling experience is necessary, you can learn ​along with the kids.
  • Level 1 Coaches are not responsible for leadership or ​instruction, their job is just to ride along at the back of the ​group and be another set of eyes for safety.
  • Learn more about the NICA coach training program here.

Do I have to race?

  • No! We think everyone should try it out at least once, but ​racing is 100% optional. Many student athletes just want ​to ride and have fun, and that’s ok.

Do I have to be good at biking?

  • Not at all, our program is designed to teach mountain bike ​skills to riders of all levels. Student athletes should ​already know how to ride a bike, but no off-road ​experience is necessary.

Festival weekends - racing and more!


Mt Telemark Village, Cable


Lowes Creek, Eau Claire


Englewood Grass Farm, Fall River


Camp Tesomas, Rhinelander

October 12-13 Nordic Mountain Adventure Ride

Nordic Mountain, Wild Rose

Adventure Ride & Camping Saturday night only


Trek Trails, Waterloo

Register your rider at https://pitzone.nationalmtb.org/

Camping is one of the main ​highlights of our Festival ​Weekends!

Click on the links below to

register for camping, registration ​is due by the end of practice on ​Thursday one week before the ​festival weekend.


Lowe’s Creek


Camp Tesomas



Contact Coach Jeremy at coach@jeremyalbright.com

with questions or for more information. If you are interested ​supporting youth cycling by becomming a sponsor, our community ​sponsorship letter can be found here.